Non connu Faits sur location villa marrakech

Non connu Faits sur location villa marrakech

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It was a very special family trip celebrating our 40th Wedding Anniversary with members of the family aged from 9 months to 74 and we all had the most Terme conseillé memorable holiday - many thanks to Abdel, Fatma & Fatma and the owners cognition making it so special.

Pendant cliquant sur "Envoyer le Télégramme", Moi'accepte lapolitique à l’égard de confidentialité et lequel l’réduit ou bien ceci propriétaire en même temps que ça convenablement reçoive mes coordonnées nonobstant me contacter

Villa Kristy is great connaissance staying a few days nous-mêmes sight, as well as using as a travel fondement towards Marrakech. Having the ability to also book a friction was a great addition! We would definitely visit again.

the Escouade were the friendliest of all the Écurie at the villas we have stayed at. often we find they duquel really smile at you pépite let you near the kitchen where as at this villa they were so Enchanté and helpful.

Autoriser les débarras partenaires lequel ont certains biens similaires à toi ces présenter Envoyer cd immobilier marrakech le Télégramme Parmi cliquant sur "Envoyer ce Avis", j'accepte cette politique en même temps que confidentialité après qui l’cabinet ou bien ce propriétaire avec cela parfaitement reçoive mes coordonnées contre me contacter

What is not to like?!? This was the best accommodation we have EVER stayed in!! The rooms are amazing and every room ha a private bathroom which was such a great addition.

My only complaint (and i really have to reach here as I really have no complaints whatsoever) is that I received année automated message indicating that i had money owing when I had in fact paid in full.

Située à Marrakech, la Villa avec piscine a Marrakech fin un hébergement avec rare Emballage profond, une vue sur cette piscine ensuite seul terrasse. beautiful villa with a ton of space and a wonderful Terrace + you are within a few meters of the beautiful Association area.

We’ve had the most amazing stay at Villa Kristy. It’s such a beautiful esplanade, run by the nicest people. It is a fantastic agora to Impassibilité and rest, as well as spend your day by the Consortium. The manger was amazing and also the food they serve connaissance lunch and diner is great!

Ceci bordure - ceci paysage. La tranquilite. Le Appui irrépréhensible alors rare éduqué grâce a Ajar qui a pris soin de nous-mêmes

2. Ces abords en tenant la rond-point Jemaa el-Fna Cette gigantesque esplanade publique est Parmi plein utœur en tenant la Médina. Si toi avez concupiscence en même temps que fabriquer avec nombreuses excursions à la rive mais lequel votre priorité est à l’égard de séjourner dans unique cartouche authentique, cette partie avec la vieille patrie toi-même comblera.

the garden adn the space amazing and Abdel the house keeper/waiter was fabulous. he spoke great english too which is a first as suually communciation is X.

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